

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have time for it, but I’ve overdone it, again, and had to physically recuperate for a few days, so I watched some televised fiction – the remake of “On the Beach” – a bit melodramatic, but better than I’d expected.
One of my earliest memories of school is everyone in kindergarten putting his or her head on the desk, resting our heads in our arms, closing our eyes tight; no, not for a nap, but the precursor to the later, “Duck, cover, hold” drills we had twice each week. I saw the newsreels of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and learned from the Civil Defense training films how we could “Survive Nuclear War.” I learned the various effects of nuclear weapons, as well as their varieties: atomic, or “standard,” nuclear weapons – fission bombs, reliant on either plutonium or deuterium. Then there were the so-called “hydrogen” or thermo-nuclear weapons, and, later, enhanced-radiation “neutron” bombs.
I saw “Alas Babylon” on Playhouse 90, and later read the book; I read “Red Alert,” which later became satirized as “Doctor Strangelove,” which I also saw. I saw, and read, “Fail Safe.” I saw the original version of “On the Beach.” Later, I saw “The Day After.” So, as much as any civilian, or perhaps as much as many ‘experts’ in nuclear war, I know the effects, the operations, the defenses against, the ways of using nuclear weapons – air bursts, ground, and subsurface blasts; deployment from submarines, aircraft, via missiles; direct radiation, blast, fallout; sub-orbital bombardment, synchronized arrival times, EMP, second-strike capabilities; fallout shelters, evacuation plans, and, of course, the aforementioned, “Duck, cover, hold.” I even wrote published work about surviving nuclear conflict.
For most of my life I’ve been educated to understand, deal with, think about the unthinkable – mega-death via nuclear warfare. I’ve seen many other films and television shows – too numerous to recall their names, from the very serious reports about melted eyeballs, severe burns, radiation sickness of Japanese nuclear strike casualties, to frivolous sci-fi flicks such as “The Colossal Man,” “Attack of the 50-foot Woman,” “Them,” and farces like “The Atomic Kid,” with Mickey Rooney. The possibility of nuclear war has been with me my entire life.
From my past writings in these pages, some might think I’m indifferent to the consequences of nuclear war; I’m not. I know – as sure as there is a Koran, as certain as there is a murdering Muslimist maniac named Osama Bin Laden, as real as the reality of the insane Islamist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as positive as we can be that there is an infamous international nuclear criminal named A.Q. Kahn, as starkly evident that the first blueprints for nuclear weapons to be leaked to Pakistan were written in Chinese – that we are already in a nuclear war; the only question is: When and where will we see the next nuclear strikes?
I anticipate the aforementioned nuclear strikes in Tel Aviv, in New York, in Washington D.C., Miami, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Houston – anywhere and everywhere the insane Islamist infection can spread, unless we prevent the hell of nuclear attacks on us by heading them off, with pre-emptive, defensive nuclear counterstrikes – against the insane Islamist nuclear arsenal-in-the-making in Iran; on the nuclear bomb export factories in North Korea; at the already too-powerful murdering Muslimist maniac nuclear armory in Pakistan – all of these targets, and more, must – simply must, be eradicated by our as yet so-far superior nuclear strike forces.
Our nuclear arsenal is just that – superior so far; but for how much longer? Will our weak-kneed, self-centered, oriented to personal political and financial profit ‘leaders’ in our socio-economic and political elites suddenly become strong when faced with nuclear blackmail? Will they resist, or capitulate, when the insane Islamist infection announces that portable nukes are already deployed in 10, 25, 50 cities in Israel, Europe, the United States? How many casualties will we suffer if, instead, murdering Muslimist maniacs detonate one or more nuclear weapons without warning? No matter what the number, it’s too large.
Yes, one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day, and that day is coming, whether you want to recognize that fact or not. Already, we have lost too many innocent lives – Europeans, Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, Israelis, citizens of our great United States of America. Thousands of Americans – civilian and military – were already killed in New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, and around the world – Africa, Asia, Beirut, the entire Mid-East – especially in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Murdering Muslimist maniacs are now plotting our mega-deaths.
We, as a people, have been too kind, too passive, too weak. Our kindness, passivity, weakness has been misinterpreted. Murdering Muslimist maniacs wrongly believe, as did the Japanese, Italians, and Germans prior to our involvement in World War Two, that we will remain too kind, too passive, too weak to defend ourselves, even after we are attacked with nuclear weapons. They really think they can disengage us from our defense of Israel, as our current political ‘leadership’ has led them to believe. They really think that, after one, ten, dozens of nuclear strikes, we will submit to what’s not, as the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third has falsely proclaimed “the religion of peace,” but the ‘religion’ of war. No, “Islam” does not mean “peace” (“salaam”); “Islam” means “submission,” and that’s just what the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third is working toward – America’s submission to his family’s business partners in the corrupt, decadent, evil Saudi Arabian ruling circle.
The only way for America to be triumphant is to become strong; but America cannot be strong as long as the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third remains in office. Those in responsible positions must – simply must – utilize the provisions in the 25th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and remove the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third from office. Then, we must throw ourselves into a maximum war effort – total war, utilizing unconventional, conventional, and nuclear means, in a worldwide anti-jihad and inter-religious and progressive secular international crusade against the insane Islamist infection, with pre-emptive, defensive nuclear counterstrikes.
Some claim our total war in the anti-jihad will cause the entire Muslim world to fight us. Well, whether actively or passively, that’s just what they’re doing now, and it’s only a matter of time before they, literally, go nuclear. Too many Israelis, Americans, other Westerners have been killed by murdering Muslimist maniacs already. We must be prepared to say: “Better a billion Muslims than the loss of even one more American, Israeli, Westerner.” Victory alone brings lasting peace.

