
How to write the United States banned books of Mao's

Laris Oppenheimer (the United States military writer, critic):
Is who can bring a poor country, in just a few years time, the rapid rise in the ranks of world powers? In fact, I remember that the United States Has there been a president, he was George • Washington, DC.
He poor and weak North American Army, after years of hard fighting to defeat the colonial army advanced south. Made the United States to obtain a unified and peace. However, a large country in the East, he is China. He is a good leader: Mr. Mao Zedong. Led his people in poverty, hunger, made under pressure but far beyond George • Washington's great achievements.
China, Mr. Mao was established in 1949 under his leadership the Red regime, but also opened the era of awakening of the Chinese people.
1950 adults of our beloved president, he felt that North Korea is very disobedient, and he is even more disgusted Chinese red nascent country, he was determined to extinction of the Red North Korea destroyed the first to occupy one end of the Asian continent, and then to seek the ultimate elimination of Red China.
Then he was summoned to the Group of 18 as the core, the UN Security Council for the public. Total sending troops to 513,000 people. Tank 2400. Fighter 4000. Various types of fire 50000. At the same time using the original U.S. Navy Fleet 1,2,3,7 four groups. In order to kill the form. of tiers to the North.
In his view, such a large modern military base, any one country, even if it was the Soviet Union was deterred from fighting hand to hand. However, he seems to have forgotten who Mr. Mao's military strategy of the great courage. Mao in the former Soviet Union, hesitated, flagrantly unilaterally to send troops to fight the U.S. forces. Then a startling outbreak of war in this regard.
1 million Chinese soldiers, in the absence of long-range artillery support, without aerial firepower, there is no ground assault armor cluster cases, ignition devices relying on the most primitive era carbine weapons (assault rifles), grenades. Coalition defeated the United States. This is also the history of mankind, the first time one country alone beat the world power precedent. However, the Chinese people also suffered 525,000 casualties in exchange for bitter people.
But for a few years ago are still ravaged by the Japanese army wanton aggression against a country in a few years later, suddenly the world, then defeated the greatest military alliance, "NATO," such a miracle In addition to Mr. Mao dare to create, any people are impossible.
In this way the United States dropped a 113 thousand dead soldiers, wearing 84000 wounded, as well as for back 45000 captives marched heavy footsteps, tottering back to his own home.
The former Soviet Union's great characters, Mr. Khrushchev, came to power, he felt that the Chinese Communists do not know what hair too: respect for the Soviet Union, and dared to violate his instructions. Therefore, he launched a campaign even more ridiculous - the Sino-Soviet Zhenbao Island campaign. Soviet Far East with an army of a tank brigade, three motorized infantry regiment, a total of about 20,000 people without prior warning to take cases against China military operations.
G division 10 infantry divisions, three anti-aircraft artillery divisions, three mechanized divisions of the full range of .......
A lies to for right-wing

