

As we enter the next and current phase of the American patriotic national revolution, it’s time for all American patriots, national revolutionaries, political guerrillas to adapt, and adopt new tactics as we move on to the next level of the ongoing national revolution in the continuing struggle to liberate our noble revolutionary republic, our great America, from the social, political, economic traitors and criminals in the new and improved Five Families – Kennedys, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Bushes, Waltons, plus Microsoft’s Godfather of Greed – and their allies, puppets and stooges – in the Real Mob that controls and oppresses our captive American people today. The next and current phase: ARMED, NONVIOLENT RESISTANCE! In armed, nonviolent resistance, all American patriots, national revolutionaries, political guerrillas must recommit themselves to acquiring at least one pistol, one rifle, one shotgun for each American patriot, national revolutionary, political guerrilla. If possible, one pistol, one rifle, one shotgun should be acquired for each member of every American patriot’s, national revolutionary’s, political guerrilla’s family. Every weapon should have a cache of 1,000 rounds of ammunition, each. Where automatic weapons are legally available, they, too, must be acquired and cached, along with 10,000 rounds of ammunition, each. We must properly arm, train, fortify, prepare to defend ourselves, families, communities, our Constitution, our noble revolutionary republic, our great America, our great American people, from criminals, invaders, terrorists, anti-Constitutional usurpers, traitors, tyrants. The day may come when we are all called upon to legally resist criminal and/or un-Constitutional aggression by any and/or all of these threats, in accordance with our Constitution. Meanwhile: We must engage in all forms of nonviolent resistance: communicating, voting, planning, organizing, training, stockpiling, arming, gaining intelligence, lobbying, demonstrating, educating – increasing the political awareness and the national revolutionary pro-American national capitalist political consciousness of all legal residents and citizens in our noble revolutionary republic, our great America. Nonviolent resistance includes taking every possible and practical legal step to impede the illegal and un-Constitutional usurpers; social, economic, political traitors and criminals in and out of government; enemies of our freedom; by any and every legal and nonviolent means. Do what you can where you are with what you have. Defend our noble revolutionary republic, our great America!

