

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have time for it, but I’ve overdone it, again, and had to physically recuperate for a few days, so I watched some televised fiction – the remake of “On the Beach” – a bit melodramatic, but better than I’d expected.
One of my earliest memories of school is everyone in kindergarten putting his or her head on the desk, resting our heads in our arms, closing our eyes tight; no, not for a nap, but the precursor to the later, “Duck, cover, hold” drills we had twice each week. I saw the newsreels of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and learned from the Civil Defense training films how we could “Survive Nuclear War.” I learned the various effects of nuclear weapons, as well as their varieties: atomic, or “standard,” nuclear weapons – fission bombs, reliant on either plutonium or deuterium. Then there were the so-called “hydrogen” or thermo-nuclear weapons, and, later, enhanced-radiation “neutron” bombs.
I saw “Alas Babylon” on Playhouse 90, and later read the book; I read “Red Alert,” which later became satirized as “Doctor Strangelove,” which I also saw. I saw, and read, “Fail Safe.” I saw the original version of “On the Beach.” Later, I saw “The Day After.” So, as much as any civilian, or perhaps as much as many ‘experts’ in nuclear war, I know the effects, the operations, the defenses against, the ways of using nuclear weapons – air bursts, ground, and subsurface blasts; deployment from submarines, aircraft, via missiles; direct radiation, blast, fallout; sub-orbital bombardment, synchronized arrival times, EMP, second-strike capabilities; fallout shelters, evacuation plans, and, of course, the aforementioned, “Duck, cover, hold.” I even wrote published work about surviving nuclear conflict.
For most of my life I’ve been educated to understand, deal with, think about the unthinkable – mega-death via nuclear warfare. I’ve seen many other films and television shows – too numerous to recall their names, from the very serious reports about melted eyeballs, severe burns, radiation sickness of Japanese nuclear strike casualties, to frivolous sci-fi flicks such as “The Colossal Man,” “Attack of the 50-foot Woman,” “Them,” and farces like “The Atomic Kid,” with Mickey Rooney. The possibility of nuclear war has been with me my entire life.
From my past writings in these pages, some might think I’m indifferent to the consequences of nuclear war; I’m not. I know – as sure as there is a Koran, as certain as there is a murdering Muslimist maniac named Osama Bin Laden, as real as the reality of the insane Islamist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as positive as we can be that there is an infamous international nuclear criminal named A.Q. Kahn, as starkly evident that the first blueprints for nuclear weapons to be leaked to Pakistan were written in Chinese – that we are already in a nuclear war; the only question is: When and where will we see the next nuclear strikes?
I anticipate the aforementioned nuclear strikes in Tel Aviv, in New York, in Washington D.C., Miami, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Houston – anywhere and everywhere the insane Islamist infection can spread, unless we prevent the hell of nuclear attacks on us by heading them off, with pre-emptive, defensive nuclear counterstrikes – against the insane Islamist nuclear arsenal-in-the-making in Iran; on the nuclear bomb export factories in North Korea; at the already too-powerful murdering Muslimist maniac nuclear armory in Pakistan – all of these targets, and more, must – simply must, be eradicated by our as yet so-far superior nuclear strike forces.
Our nuclear arsenal is just that – superior so far; but for how much longer? Will our weak-kneed, self-centered, oriented to personal political and financial profit ‘leaders’ in our socio-economic and political elites suddenly become strong when faced with nuclear blackmail? Will they resist, or capitulate, when the insane Islamist infection announces that portable nukes are already deployed in 10, 25, 50 cities in Israel, Europe, the United States? How many casualties will we suffer if, instead, murdering Muslimist maniacs detonate one or more nuclear weapons without warning? No matter what the number, it’s too large.
Yes, one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day, and that day is coming, whether you want to recognize that fact or not. Already, we have lost too many innocent lives – Europeans, Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, Israelis, citizens of our great United States of America. Thousands of Americans – civilian and military – were already killed in New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, and around the world – Africa, Asia, Beirut, the entire Mid-East – especially in Iraq, in Afghanistan. Murdering Muslimist maniacs are now plotting our mega-deaths.
We, as a people, have been too kind, too passive, too weak. Our kindness, passivity, weakness has been misinterpreted. Murdering Muslimist maniacs wrongly believe, as did the Japanese, Italians, and Germans prior to our involvement in World War Two, that we will remain too kind, too passive, too weak to defend ourselves, even after we are attacked with nuclear weapons. They really think they can disengage us from our defense of Israel, as our current political ‘leadership’ has led them to believe. They really think that, after one, ten, dozens of nuclear strikes, we will submit to what’s not, as the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third has falsely proclaimed “the religion of peace,” but the ‘religion’ of war. No, “Islam” does not mean “peace” (“salaam”); “Islam” means “submission,” and that’s just what the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third is working toward – America’s submission to his family’s business partners in the corrupt, decadent, evil Saudi Arabian ruling circle.
The only way for America to be triumphant is to become strong; but America cannot be strong as long as the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third remains in office. Those in responsible positions must – simply must – utilize the provisions in the 25th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and remove the multiple quisling, America’s George the Third from office. Then, we must throw ourselves into a maximum war effort – total war, utilizing unconventional, conventional, and nuclear means, in a worldwide anti-jihad and inter-religious and progressive secular international crusade against the insane Islamist infection, with pre-emptive, defensive nuclear counterstrikes.
Some claim our total war in the anti-jihad will cause the entire Muslim world to fight us. Well, whether actively or passively, that’s just what they’re doing now, and it’s only a matter of time before they, literally, go nuclear. Too many Israelis, Americans, other Westerners have been killed by murdering Muslimist maniacs already. We must be prepared to say: “Better a billion Muslims than the loss of even one more American, Israeli, Westerner.” Victory alone brings lasting peace.

How to write the United States banned books of Mao's

Laris Oppenheimer (the United States military writer, critic):
Is who can bring a poor country, in just a few years time, the rapid rise in the ranks of world powers? In fact, I remember that the United States Has there been a president, he was George • Washington, DC.
He poor and weak North American Army, after years of hard fighting to defeat the colonial army advanced south. Made the United States to obtain a unified and peace. However, a large country in the East, he is China. He is a good leader: Mr. Mao Zedong. Led his people in poverty, hunger, made under pressure but far beyond George • Washington's great achievements.
China, Mr. Mao was established in 1949 under his leadership the Red regime, but also opened the era of awakening of the Chinese people.
1950 adults of our beloved president, he felt that North Korea is very disobedient, and he is even more disgusted Chinese red nascent country, he was determined to extinction of the Red North Korea destroyed the first to occupy one end of the Asian continent, and then to seek the ultimate elimination of Red China.
Then he was summoned to the Group of 18 as the core, the UN Security Council for the public. Total sending troops to 513,000 people. Tank 2400. Fighter 4000. Various types of fire 50000. At the same time using the original U.S. Navy Fleet 1,2,3,7 four groups. In order to kill the form. of tiers to the North.
In his view, such a large modern military base, any one country, even if it was the Soviet Union was deterred from fighting hand to hand. However, he seems to have forgotten who Mr. Mao's military strategy of the great courage. Mao in the former Soviet Union, hesitated, flagrantly unilaterally to send troops to fight the U.S. forces. Then a startling outbreak of war in this regard.
1 million Chinese soldiers, in the absence of long-range artillery support, without aerial firepower, there is no ground assault armor cluster cases, ignition devices relying on the most primitive era carbine weapons (assault rifles), grenades. Coalition defeated the United States. This is also the history of mankind, the first time one country alone beat the world power precedent. However, the Chinese people also suffered 525,000 casualties in exchange for bitter people.
But for a few years ago are still ravaged by the Japanese army wanton aggression against a country in a few years later, suddenly the world, then defeated the greatest military alliance, "NATO," such a miracle In addition to Mr. Mao dare to create, any people are impossible.
In this way the United States dropped a 113 thousand dead soldiers, wearing 84000 wounded, as well as for back 45000 captives marched heavy footsteps, tottering back to his own home.
The former Soviet Union's great characters, Mr. Khrushchev, came to power, he felt that the Chinese Communists do not know what hair too: respect for the Soviet Union, and dared to violate his instructions. Therefore, he launched a campaign even more ridiculous - the Sino-Soviet Zhenbao Island campaign. Soviet Far East with an army of a tank brigade, three motorized infantry regiment, a total of about 20,000 people without prior warning to take cases against China military operations.
G division 10 infantry divisions, three anti-aircraft artillery divisions, three mechanized divisions of the full range of .......
A lies to for right-wing


That’s what Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller asked way back in the 1970s – “the little guy” being someone, to him, who earned “only a hundred thousand dollars.” Some, with too few exceptions – Elizabeth MacDonald and Jonathan Hoenig, Nina Easton and Juan Williams on Fox, and Maria Bartiromo and Ben Stein on CNBC – have asked, “What about the little guy?” To too many others, “the little guy” – who earns under a hundred thousand dollars – doesn’t exist.
They – pundits, insiders, investors, government ‘regulators’ – all claim they believe in capitalism; but they don’t – we’ll develop this theme further in later observations here – instead, they believe in capitalism as long as they are the winners, and others are the losers; but, when it comes to losing their own wealth, it’s time for big-government socialism to intervene – on behalf of the bankers, lenders, investors, even though they’re not lending – to borrowers who are more deserving, but who can’t be screwed with bad deals and exorbitant interest rates.
Back to “the little guys” – the ones who were, in the words of Ms. MacDonald, “suckered into” bad deals – interest-only loans, adjustable-rate mortgages, high-interest flat-rate loans, etc.: It seems to Washington and on Wall Street, that’s just so much tough titty; the insiders continue to gorge themselves on the fat tit of government support and largesse. So, what can we do for “the little guy?” How about if government steps in, without making a further mess of things? How? Government can outlaw and enforce – rein-in, control lenders; eliminate interest-only, excessive-interest, balloon-payment, wildly ‘adjustable’-rate, usurious loan packages; help – really help – people now in foreclosure and arrears. This is the essence of National Capitalism – boost average Americans, and boost the entire American economy; and, yes, even boost the greedy bastards who put others on the hook, then sold their risky, bad deals to others seeking to reel them in, only to find the hook now empty and nothing on the line, which is merely anti-American collaborationist international capitalism, and, essentially, anti-capitalist.
Government must force lenders who hold paper on less-than-fair deals with people who are honest in trying to just get themselves and their families a home to renegotiate; to grant extensions on making partial payments, late payments, smaller payments on interest. Government must require lenders to help people keep their homes, and make good on their promise to pay by shifting more from interest-only to payments primarily on principal, with a much smaller amount payable as interest, to lower interest rates on these loans, and completely ban all interest-only ‘deals.’ These steps will require little to no added taxpayer expense, but smaller profit, yet still some income, to holders of the now exorbitant loans.
Government must require all holders of sub prime loans to contact borrowers; to renegotiate and repair current bad ‘deals.’ I heard Donald Trump advise all who have received notices from their lenders to immediately contact them and make new arrangements, even a new deal. This advice must be enforced by government, and trumpeted far and wide in all our communications media.
Government must safeguard fair credit deals for Americans to buy homes, finance businesses, complete education. Helping Americans helps our economy, our great America. This is the essence of pro-American, National Capitalism

6 September, 2007: WHY WE MUST HELP

This information and opinion item is in response to some of the voices of reason: Neal Boortz, Jerry Doyle, Larry Kudlow; and some of the libertarian purists, and “conservative” fundamentalists who want no intervention, regulation, help to the less fortunate in our capitalist economic system – ever. I’m going to explain why sometimes rules must be broken, not just to accommodate the rule-breakers but innocent souls who have been caught up in fraudulent circumstances, and us all.
Before continuing, this observer feels compelled to add that I have no profits, investments, property, obligations that will be affected by what I have to say here, except, as we all do, very indirectly – through the economy in general overall.
I’ll attempt to establish some bona fides by pointing out that I was raised in ethnic Chicago; have one foot, most of my family, including a lot of in-laws, in a racial-ethnic minority community; have and have had many friends in other racial-ethnic minority communities. I’ve learned how all of them at times do business:
A family of (legal) immigrants, from Europe, Latin America, Asia; or natives from “back East,” as they’re known here, “out West,” moves in. Soon, some more distant relatives, in-laws, friends, join them. They all want to have their own homes. So, everyone pools their money, and the original or senior family gets a house; they all chip-in to make the payments, while everyone saves their surplus income. Once they get ahead, everyone pools their resources so the next most senior family/group members can make the step up to a home of their own, etc.
At first, the original family, even though everyone is working, often at very low-paying jobs, can’t qualify for a loan, so they shop around, usually for a loan broker from their own ethnicity/background. The loan broker, traditionally, knows how the long-range plan will operate. He or she will go along with the fiction that the family can afford the loan – knowing that the extended family, in-laws, friends will make sure the payments are made, so they may all keep their place in line and on schedule to get their own homes. It’s a good, fair deal for everyone.
Sometimes, even often, the buyers/borrowers don’t understand what they’re signing, due to linguistic or cultural barriers, ignorance, inexperience, faith and trust in their lender; but these buyers are not speculators or scammers – they just want to get a home, and help the others in their group get one, too. They know they may have to pay a higher rate, for a while, because they’re foreign, other outsiders, poor, can’t really convincingly document that they’re good for the debt, even though they are. These deals rely on faith and trust – that the group’s members won’t screw the others; that the loan seller isn’t lying to them; that the real estate person isn’t inflating the price just to get a fatter commission, etc.
Then, along comes a voracious loan shark, who sees some likely victims, no matter to him or her that they are some of his or her “own people” – racially, ethnically, culturally. Truth in lending? Screw that. Playing fair with the honest but unsophisticated? We must be joking. The object here is to $ell, $ell, $ell! So, when it’s time to sign on the dotted lines, the innocents are led to slaughter.
Well, that’s capitalism. Too bad for you. You’ve learned your lesson the hard way. Tough titty. I’d love to help you, but I gave at the office. Don’t go away mad, just go away. Hey, your tears are dripping on my desk. But, wait, there’s the “domino effect” as these bad loans ripple outward through our entire economy, and beyond. As I pointed out last month, the loan brokers made the deals, then passed them on to greedy chumps here, in Europe, and China. Ha, ha, ha! We’ laughing all the way to the unemployment line, now that our latest subprime operation has folded. (Don’t worry about us. We’ll set up more, later.)
But, as Larry Kudlow warned, “I’m concerned about commercial paper” (that’s not being serviced because the penultimate lenders are now gun-shy). So, again as I said last month, we have to ‘help,’ in the ways I detailed – not with bailouts but financial bridges over troubled waters – renegotiations, extensions, etc. – for “the little guy”; and the bigger fish, and the bigger ones further up the line, all the way to the really big fish at the top of the financial food chain, to stay afloat.
We’ll develop this theme further elsewhere, when and as needed; but, while capitalism is the best system, it can’t descend into anarchy, or the chaos will bring the whole temple down on us all. Unbridled market capitalism is fine, theoretically, but at its extremes, threatens even itself, so it’s not really practical.
The still-reverberating and echoing Big Crash of 1929 was not caused by Smoot-Hawley, or The New Deal, or labor unions. In the words of Herbert Hoover, himself an early international capitalist, “The only problem with capitalism is capitalists.” (Too damned greedy.) So, at its logical conclusion in the current cycle, the enormous money-loving greed of the loan brokers, and their co-conspirators – absent regulators, eager loan buyers drawn in by teaser-rate ARM’s, etc., has brought the whole system to the brink of collapse.
The suggestions I made, the advice I quoted from Donald Trump, and the ideas of others, were wisely adopted, or at least given lip-service, by government officials, from the top on down. Now, it remains to be seen if they’ll be timely, energetic, sincere in their efforts. Robert Steel was on Lawrence Kudlow’s show today making the correct sounds; I only hope they’ll be beefed-up, backed up, echoed by big enough deeds. We can’t afford too little, too late, here and now.
Getting back to the good people who pooled their resources to get themselves homes: A lot of these fine folks don’t have the benefit of the time, neighborhood, mental, and physical resources to become as economically savvy as people such as Lawrence Kudlow, Neal Boortz, Jerry Doyle, et al. It’s not that they’re stupid but because they’re too busy trying to survive, to get ahead, to help themselves and the others in their extended family and circle of friends get and keep homes.
Moreover, as I also pointed out in these pages, last month and before, our essentially anti-American (and anti-capitalist), big-government, socialist indoctrination centers, which are disguised as ‘schools,’ have left our citizens and immigrant residents just about defenseless when it comes to contracts, interest, other financial and business concepts. Even a lot of the ‘teachers’ of economics are ignorant of these and other facets of not just capitalism but socialism; many of them are only familiar with The Communist Manifesto, and the scribblings of various Communist saints and gurus. Too many of our people don’t “get it.”
The more advantaged and educated among us must now lend a helping hand – for the benefit of those good people, and us all, in but one small step toward the timely implementation of a National Capitalist economic system, as part of the growing, strengthening, expanding, and accelerating National Revolution.


As we enter the next and current phase of the American patriotic national revolution, it’s time for all American patriots, national revolutionaries, political guerrillas to adapt, and adopt new tactics as we move on to the next level of the ongoing national revolution in the continuing struggle to liberate our noble revolutionary republic, our great America, from the social, political, economic traitors and criminals in the new and improved Five Families – Kennedys, DuPonts, Rockefellers, Bushes, Waltons, plus Microsoft’s Godfather of Greed – and their allies, puppets and stooges – in the Real Mob that controls and oppresses our captive American people today. The next and current phase: ARMED, NONVIOLENT RESISTANCE! In armed, nonviolent resistance, all American patriots, national revolutionaries, political guerrillas must recommit themselves to acquiring at least one pistol, one rifle, one shotgun for each American patriot, national revolutionary, political guerrilla. If possible, one pistol, one rifle, one shotgun should be acquired for each member of every American patriot’s, national revolutionary’s, political guerrilla’s family. Every weapon should have a cache of 1,000 rounds of ammunition, each. Where automatic weapons are legally available, they, too, must be acquired and cached, along with 10,000 rounds of ammunition, each. We must properly arm, train, fortify, prepare to defend ourselves, families, communities, our Constitution, our noble revolutionary republic, our great America, our great American people, from criminals, invaders, terrorists, anti-Constitutional usurpers, traitors, tyrants. The day may come when we are all called upon to legally resist criminal and/or un-Constitutional aggression by any and/or all of these threats, in accordance with our Constitution. Meanwhile: We must engage in all forms of nonviolent resistance: communicating, voting, planning, organizing, training, stockpiling, arming, gaining intelligence, lobbying, demonstrating, educating – increasing the political awareness and the national revolutionary pro-American national capitalist political consciousness of all legal residents and citizens in our noble revolutionary republic, our great America. Nonviolent resistance includes taking every possible and practical legal step to impede the illegal and un-Constitutional usurpers; social, economic, political traitors and criminals in and out of government; enemies of our freedom; by any and every legal and nonviolent means. Do what you can where you are with what you have. Defend our noble revolutionary republic, our great America!